The City has a system to keep residents and interested parties informed about the activities of City government. The Early Notification System (ENS) allows you to sign up to receive e-mails and a link when an agenda for a public meeting is posted. You can sign up to receive a notice about City Council agendas, City Council Committee meetings, or meetings of the Boards and Commissions that oversee City Departments. Click HERE to sign up.


  1. Enter Full Name and Email Address
  2. Scroll to RAP: Recreation and Parks
  3. Select the Agendas you would like to subscribe to
    1. Board of Recreation and Parks Commissioners Agendas
    2. Concessions Task Force Agendas
    3. Facility Repair and Maintenance Task Force Agendas
  4. Click on Subscribe
  5. The "Confirmation Notice" page will be visible upon completion