

Built in 1874, the Point Fermin Lighthouse was the first navigational light into the San Pedro Bay. Phineas Banning, with the support of many local businessmen, petitioned the Federal Government and the US Lighthouse Board to place a lighthouse on the point in 1854 to guide ships into the budding harbor. Although the Lighthouse Board agreed, funding and land disputes delayed its construction until 1874. On December 15, 1874, the fourth order Fresnel lens and oil lantern was officially lit for the first time.


Paul J. Pelz, a draftsman for the US Lighthouse Board, designed the Stick Style Victorian lighthouse. The design was used for six lighthouses built between 1873 and 1874, of which three are still standing, East Brothers in San Francisco Bay, Hereford Light in New Jersey, and Point Fermin. The Stick Style is an early Victorian architectural style and is simpler in design and decoration than the later high Victorian period. It is characterized by its gabled roofs, horizontal siding, decorative cross beams and hand carved porch railings.


The lighthouse was staffed by federal employees under the Treasury Department and regulated by the US Lighthouse Board. These employees were called Lighthouse Keepers. It was their job to keep the light lit as a beacon for ships, maintain the lighthouse lens, and the general up-keep of the building.

Point Fermin’s first lighthouse keepers were women. Mary and Ella Smith came from a lighthouse family and their brother Victor, a Washington Territory customs officer, was no doubt influential in getting them their positions. Mary had experience as a head keeper before coming to Point Fermin when she took over her father’s position and Ediz Hook Lighthouse in Port Angeles, WA. Why they chose to come to Point Fermin is still a mystery, as the area was quite isolated and barren. In any event, they seemed to get along just fine in their positions for nearly eight years.

Captain George Shaw was hired for the lighthouse keeper position shortly after the Smith sister’s left in 1882. Shaw was a retired sea captain but he undoubtedly longed to remain close to his beloved sea and was delighted by the opportunity to serve as the keeper at Point Fermin. His wife and daughter moved into the lighthouse with him, but by 1901, his wife had died and his daughter had gone away to school leaving him as the sole resident. Captain Shaw was the first keeper at Point Fermin to wear the US Lighthouse Service uniform, newly required of all employees in 1884; women were not required to wear the uniform. Shaw served the longest of any keeper at the point. He was forced into retirement due to his health when complications from wounds he had obtained during the Civil War made it impossible to continue. An acting keeper, Mr. Jordan, was appointed until a new keeper could be found to replace him.

Irby Engels was the next Keeper to put on the uniform in 1906. He moved in with his wife and daughter. And like the keeper before him, the family of three had the place all to themselves. Irby was very diligent about celebrating his one official holiday, which was July 4 th . Every year Irby writes in the official log “DAY OFF, Picnic.” Irby invited family and friends to celebrate with him at the lighthouse on such occasions. Irby’s family eventually beckoned him back to the San Francisco Bay area and he lived out his days near his wife’s relatives in Pismo Beach.

The Austin family moved into the lighthouse in 1917 to become the last keepers of the Point Fermin Light. William Austin had served as keeper at two other California lighthouses, Point Arena and Point Conception, before coming to Point Fermin. For the first time, the lighthouse was filled with children. When the Austin family moved in they had seven children between the ages of 15 and 1 month old; during their stay at Point Fermin, that number quickly grew to eight with the birth of another son. When both William and Martha Austin passed away in 1925, their daughter Thelma Austin, with the help of her sister Juanita, took over as keeper until 1927 when management of the light was turned over to the City of Los Angeles.

Between the years of 1927 and 1941, the light was managed by City of Los Angeles personnel as part of the newly developed park. However, it was no longer watched over during the night by a keeper as it was now all electrified and the light list labeled it as “unmanned.” On December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed and the coast was blacked out for fear of being a beacon to enemy ships and planes. Sadly, the light was never to be lit again. During WWII, the lighthouse served the US Navy as a look out tower and signaling station for ships coming into the harbor. After WWII, the lighthouse was again turned over to the City of Los Angeles for use as a residence for park maintenance employees.



Visiting the lighthouse during the years that Captain Shaw was in residence became a popular activity for the local residents as well as many from the greater Los Angeles areas. The US Lighthouse Board both required and encouraged keepers to allow the public access to the lighthouse and Captain Shaw, Mr. Engels, and Mr. Austin gave many tours of the establishment and its workings. Just like today, the point was a popular site for picnicking, whale watching, and social activities, especially as the town of San Pedro grew larger toward the late 1880s. By 1907, visitors rode the Red Car to the end of Pacific Avenue and then walked the short distance to the lighthouse. Other modes of transportation to the lighthouse were by horse and buggy, and later by automobile.


It was during WWII that the lens and lantern room on top of the lighthouse tower was removed and a square room was set in its place. This unsightly addition was often referred to as the “chicken coop.” In 1972, two devoted citizens, Bill Olesen and John Olguin, raised funds and worked diligently to replace the lantern room and the lighthouse to its original glory for her 100th birthday in 1974. Their efforts also placed the lighthouse on the National Register of Historic Places.

In 2002, the lighthouse was restored, retrofitted, and rehabilitated for public access with funds from the City of Los Angeles, the Port of Los Angeles, and the State of California. The lighthouse was opened to the public on November 1, 2003 under the management of the Department of Recreation and Parks for the City of Los Angeles, however, it was still federally owned land. In 2018 the lighthouse was deeded over to Recreation and Parks through the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000. Volunteers from the Point Fermin Lighthouse Society serve as tour guides and advocates to keep the lighthouse open to the public.