Park Mitigation Fee Schedule

Park Fee Schedule (For Projects with Vested Rights on or after January 11, 2017)

Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33, all new, non-exempt, residential dwelling units shall be required to dedicate land, pay a fee or provide a combination of land dedication and fee payment for the purpose of acquiring, expanding and improving park and recreational facilities for new residents. The fee amount depends on the type of residential development project (Subdivision or Non-Subdivision). The Department shall collect these fees pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 19.17 and the Park Fees Section of the Department of Recreation and Parks' Rate and Fee Schedule.

Project Types

Fee Per Each Non-Exempt Dwelling Unit

(Effective July 1, 2024)

Residential Subdivision Projects $17,060.00
Non-Subdivision Residential Projects $8,362.00

The park fee schedule above shall be effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.  Park Fees that are not paid by June 30, 2025 shall be subject to recalculation at the new fee rate effective on July 1, 2025.

Park Fee Schedule (For Projects with Vested Rights Acquired Prior to January 11, 2017)

Residential projects that acquired vesting rights prior to the effective date of Ordinance 184,505 (January 11, 2017) will not be subject to the Park Fee and will be subject to applicable Recreation and Park Fee provisions that were effective on the vesting date of the entitlement.​ The rate for the Quimby Fee for vested projects are as follows:

Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 17.12 H stated:
H. Indexing.  (Amended by Ord. No. 184,505, Eff. 1/11/17.)
In order that the fees levied pursuant to this section keep pace with the cost of land, the fees shall be periodically increased (or decreased as follows: The fee shall be increased (or decreased) as of March 1 of each year by the amount of the percent of increase (or decrease) in value of existing single-family dwellings to October of the preceding year over the prior year as determined by the Real Estate Research Council of California. To reflect this revised fee, a new fee table shall be published by the Advisory Agency before March 1 of each year and this table shall automatically supersede the table published the previous year.
The Third Quarter Report, which is traditionally published by the Real Estate Research Council (RERC) of Southern California in December of each year, has yet to be published for 2022. Given that the escalation clause in the previous version of LAMC Section 17.12 H requires the Advisory Agency to peg the fee increase (or decrease) to the RERC Third Quarter Report, the current fee chart (updated on March 1, 2022) will remain in effect until such time as the RERC releases sufficient data to allow the required fee adjustment to be made. The Third Quarter 2021 Report published by the Real Estate Research Council of Southern California indicates a positive 17.1% annual percentage change in home prices for the Los Angeles County from October 2020 to October 2021.  In accordance with Section 17.12 H, the rates are revised as follows as of March 1, 2022:

Fee Per Dwelling Unit

(Effective March 1, 2022)

A, RA, RE, RS, R1

RU, RZ, RW1, R2

RW2, RD, R3, RAS3 $6,520
R4, RAS4 $8,890
R5 $12,525

The park fee schedule that took effect on March 1, 2022 remains in effect. Park Fees that are not paid prior to the anticipated release of the RERC Third Quarter Report shall be subject to recalculation at the yet to be determined March 1, 2023 fee rate.

Contact Us

Applicants can make an appointment for General Questions about Park Fees and LAMC 12.33 in the BuildLA Appointment System:

Applicants can also contact Department of Recreation and Parks staff by email at or by phone at (213) 202-2682.