Recreation Credits Information
Land may be dedicated to the City of Los Angeles for public park and recreational purposes, at the City’s option. The Department of Recreation and Parks shall determine whether the proposal complies with the Department’s standards and requirements.
This request requires administrative approval by RAP staff, conceptual approval by the RAP Facility Repair and Maintenance Task Force, and the preliminary and final approval by the RAP Board of Commissioners. All acquisitions require all environmental assessments, including Phase I and/or Phase II if needed, pre-acquisition inspections, an appraisal and due diligence activities related to the acquisition of the proposed land dedication. See process roughly outlined here.
The City may permit improvements to be made to land dedicated as a City park or recreational facility. The Department of Recreation and Parks shall determine whether the proposal complies with the Department’s standards and requirements.
Applicants will be required to enter into a contract outlining the construction requirements for the proposed improvements and to guarantee the value of the improvements via a Certificate of Deposit. See the "Improvements to Dedicated Parkland Contract" template here.
This request requires administrative approval by and coordination with RAP staff and RAP Board approval. City Council approval may be required if the contract to construct said improvements has a term longer than 3 years. See process roughly outlined here.
Where facilities for park and recreational purposes are provided in a proposed residential development and such facilities will be privately owned and maintained by the future owners of the development, the areas occupied by such facilities may be partially credited against the requirement of dedication of land for park and recreational purposes or the payment of a park fee.
The Park Fee Recreation Credit Policy was adopted by the RAP Board on October 19, 2023 (Report No. 23-183). The Park Fee Recreation Credit Policy details specific requirements that residential housing projects must include if they want to be considered for Recreation Credit for privately owned recreational amenities. Per Report No. 23-183, the RAP Board adopted standard Covenant and Agreements and Operation and Maintenance Agreements, which are required to be recorded over the entire project site in order to receive Recreation Credit. These types of recreation credit requests require the administrative approval by RAP staff, approval of the RAP Board of Commissioners and City Council.
For Publicly Accessible, Privately Owned Recreation Areas, see the standard Covenant and Agreement and Operation and Maintenance Agreement.
For Privately Accessible, Privately Owned Recreation Areas, see the standard Covenant and Agreement and Operation and Maintenance Agreement.
If applying for recreation credit for privately owned and maintained park and recreational facilities and amenities, applicants must follow the guidelines as detailed in Recreation Credit Exhibit Instructions (PF-3002-I) and the Recreation Credit Cost Estimate Sheet Instructions (PF-3006-I) when preparing the Recreation Credit Cost Estimate Sheet and Recreation Credit Exhibits for submittal. When preparing the Recreation Credit Cost Estimate Sheet, use the Recreation Credit Cost Estimate Sheet (PF-3010-E) as a template.
Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33 H.1, Residential Subdivision projects with less that 50 residential dwelling units may offer to dedicate land to the City for park and recreation purposes in lieu of paying Park Fees. The amount of land to be dedicated is calculated pursuant to the formula detailed in Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33 H.1(a):
LD = (DU x P) x F1
LD = Land to be dedicated in acres.
DU = Total number of new market-rate dwelling units.
P = Average number of people per occupied dwelling unit as determined by the most recent version of the U.S. Census for the City of Los Angeles.
P = 2.7
F1 = Park Service factor, as indicated by the Department of Recreation and Parks rate and fee schedule.
F1 = 0.00251 (2.51 acres of park land per 1,000 residents)
Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33 H.1, Non-subdivision Residential projects may offer to dedicate land to the City for park and recreation purposes in lieu of paying Park Fees. The amount of land to be dedicated is calculated pursuant to the formula detailed in Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.33 H.1(a):
LD = (DU x P) x F2
LD = Land to be dedicated in acres.
DU = Total number of new market-rate dwelling units.
P = Average number of people per occupied dwelling unit as determined by the most recent version of the U.S. Census for the City of Los Angeles.
P = 2.7
F2 = Park Service factor, as indicated by the Department of Recreation and Parks rate and fee schedule.
F2 = 0.00123 (1.23 acres of park land per 1,000 residents)
Applicants can make an appointment for General Questions about Park Fees and LAMC 12.33 in the BuildLA Appointment System:
Applicants can also contact Department of Recreation and Parks staff by email at or by phone at (213) 202-2682.