The Recreation and Parks (RAP) Volunteer Program is accepting new volunteers.
To start the application process, please contact the RAP facility, park, or program you want to volunteer with, to learn if there is a volunteer opportunity available and receive an application weblink.
Volunteering for the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks is a great way to create community! Recreation and Parks administers a City-wide volunteer program that facilitates citizen involvement, provides challenging volunteer opportunities, and ensures a safe and healthy work environment for volunteers and patrons who participate at our facilities. Click here to learn about the different ways you can volunteer!
All Volunteer Program participants must complete an application and live scan fingerprinting for Recreation and Parks, and receive clearance from Human Resources, before beginning any volunteer work.
Volunteer Login
Click here to access the online volunteer system.
As part of the volunteer application, volunteers create an account in the Recreation and Parks volunteer database. Volunteers logged into their volunteer record have easy access to see their active volunteer assignment(s), review their recorded service history, and update their profile/emergency contact information.
Recent Volunteer Program applicants can log in to see their application status, and can always check in with the LA Rec & Parks staff they are working with, to learn more about their application process.