In the following pages, this report gives factual information about the City's pools, their conditions, and their needs, both through Quick Looks (by Council District) and in detail on the Condition Reports (by pool).

The detailed reports do not attempt to be all-encompassing in reporting all possible repair needs; estimates are based chiefly on actual, recent work of a similar nature performed by Recreation and Parks Facility Repair Division staff. In some cases, as annotated on these pages, the Bureau of Engineering has been able to provide early results on estimating some portions of pool repairs. Their estimates are much higher than Recreation and Parks' in-house experience, but we must rely on their costs estimates in the event contractors are used, in lieu of Department staff. These estimated costs do not factor in possible additional costs for asbestos or lead abatement, or other unforeseen costs that may arise, but are provided here as a basis for understanding the current crisis and the long-term financial requirements of a safe, viable swimming pool system for the City. We have only provided a menu of possible pool repair work if such repairs would meaningfully extend the life of a pool; if repair work would essentially be wasted money, we have only indicated the need for replacement.

The Department previously assembled a priority list for replacements of pools, based on the Infrastructure Report Card, the nature of current problems, and the record of past failure or number of closed days. That preliminary priority of replacement is recorded on the detail pages of applicable pools.

Other information provided for each pool include the date constructed, or reconstructed if it has been replaced, the capacity of swimmers to give a sense of the pool's size, and the hours of operation and programming at each location. Median Household Income quoted is for the immediate 2000 Census Tract (10-block area) in which the pool is located. Most of the seasonal pools are not retrofitted for compliance under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

View Swimming Pool Condition Reports listed by Council District